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Notice: The picture shown is a sample temperature, it is for reference only, the actual product may vary.

reaStripe 8

material paper/kapton/plastic  
measuring points 8  
protected yes  
dishwasher suitable no  
accuracy 1% above 212 °F +/- 34°F below 212°F
reaction time 1-2 sek.  
dimensions 20 x 105 mm
25x110 mm²
storage conditions cool, dry  
customization possible yes  

Our REATEC reaStripe 10 protected temperature indicators are based on a self-adhesive paper stripe, that is protected by a high-quality plastic film (lower temperatures) and a kapton film (higher temperatures). The temperature measuring points are applied to this stripe.

Artikel Nr. °F °F °F °F °F °F °F °F
001.SXP.08 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170
01A.SXP.08 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220
002.SXP.08 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270
02A.SXP.08 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320
003.SXP.08 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370
03A.SXP.08² 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420
004.SXP.08² 400 410 420 435 450 470 480 490
041.SXP.08² 410 420 435 450 470 480 490 500
042.SXP.08² 445 455 465 470 480 490 500 505


  • self-adhesive temperature measuring strips
  • 8 measuring points per indicator
  • permanent color change from grey to black
  • long-term monitoring on surfaces of any kind
  • narrow graduations available
  • cheap customization possible
  • Paper/Kapton/Plastic
  • for use in the environment of water
  • for use in the environment of oils
  • for use in the environment of greases
  • for use in the environment of solvents


Temperature measuring stripes in use:

Our temperature measuring stripes are supplied as single (low temperatures) or double (higher temperatures) indicator stripes. A pack of 30 pieces corresponds to a quantity of 30 individual or 15 double indicators. They can be easily attached to the object, the temperature of which needs to be measured. Thanks to the plastic carrier, they are suitable for uneven and round objects.

On the temperature measuring stripes there is a scale with single, covered measuring points. As soon as a specified temperature is exceeded, the temperature measuring points in the respective boxes will change color within 1 to 2 seconds.

The color change is irreversible; once the temperature is exceeded, the temperature measuring points do not change back to the original color, even if the temperature drops again. Critical temperature fluctuations will be indicated even after a long time period e.g., during storage and transportation.


This indicator is characterized by its water and oil repellency, strength, very good thermal conductivity and flexibility, and to achieve a fast and accurate response time even within difficult environment conditions, the measuring points are covered.

Product 001.SXP.10.XXX store in a refrigerator

² 03A.SXP.08.XXX - 042.SXP.08.XXX protected with kapton film

Custom design on request

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