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REATEC® temperature indicators




REATEC® temperature indicators are an essential alternative to thermometers. They can be used with minimal effort and low cost where thermometers are too large, too immobile, too sensitive to vibration, too complex, or unsuitable for other reasons, such as high costs. The possible continuous use of up to 10 years is also often decisive for the use of REATEC® indicators.


The coating process requires a specified temperature of the metal. The metal temperature is monitored using measuring strips during the coil coating production process.


REATEC® indicators are used on goods and packaging to monitor temperature-sensitive goods such as foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, etc., to ensure they have not exceeded a specific temperature during transport.


Manufacturing processes of various kinds require the continuous monitoring of temperatures. Our temperature measuring strips can be used in various manufacturing steps to monitor the materials for different temperatures reached.


To avoid or understand falsified results and/or unexpected deviations, research and development rely on temperature control via temperature measuring strips and measuring points. This allows workpieces and external circumstances to be evaluated with the same conditions for all results achieved.


During the soldering process, our Reatec indicators for monitoring the temperature are attached to printed circuit boards. Also for endurance tests and environmental tests to indicate hot spots, during dip soldering to measure the transistor temperature, for temperature and energy control in Si diodes and to measure the temperature on heat sinks of transistors, transformers, etc.



Briquetting plants

Our indicators optimize temperature control to control the mold’s internal temperature and measure the storage temperature.

Chemical laboratory and laboratory technology

Reatec temperature measurement strips monitor exothermic reactions and temperature measurement during centrifugation or other operations with moving objects.

Electronics industry

Reatec indicators detect temperature developments during testing or as a safeguard against warranty claims in the event of overtemperature on shipments.

Electrical engineering

Our temperature indicators monitor excess thermal current and detect unacceptable transition currents via temperature control.


Our temperature indicators measure the temperature at the moving cylinder.

Aircraft maintenance

The reaStripe temperature indicator monitors the maximum landing gear temperature after landing and the temperature stress on other aircraft parts.

Film processing (e.g., sealing):

Temperature measuring points attached at intervals signal the achieved sealing temperature.

Gear construction

Reatec measuring strips check the temperature of moving parts and the housing.

Semiconductor technology

Our Reatec indicators are applied to printed circuits to monitor temperature during soldering. They are also used for endurance testing and environmental testing to indicate hot spots during dip soldering, measuring transistor temperature, temperature and energy control in Si diodes, and measuring the temperature of heat dissipaters of transistors, transformers, etc.

Wood, hardboard, and chipboard

Our temperature indicators check the surface temperature during manufacturing and processing.  


Temperature indicators indicate excessive oil temperature at the oil reservoir or other critical locations.

Insulation technology

Our temperature indicators monitor thermal insulation.

Nuclear technology

Our temperature indicators are used in the radiation area to enable temperature measurement as they are cheap and easy to destroy.

Adhesive technology

Our temperature indicators control the temperature at the bonding point for thermal reaction adhesives.

Paint shops

The object temperature is monitored with reaStripes using an attached temperature indicator as it passes through the continuous dryer.

Lighting manufacturing

Our temperature measuring strips measure the surface temperature during  development and manufacturing control.

Measuring and control cabinet

Our temperature indicator shows excessive internal temperature as the cause of semiconductor electronics malfunction.

Metal industry

Our measuring points monitor the temperature when casting AL alloys.

Engine and power unit testing

Our temperature indicators record the temperature distribution and the maximum temperature at critical points, especially on moving parts.

Food industry and heat-sensitive goods

Our temperature indicators detect when the temperature limit has been exceeded.


Our temperature indicators are used to obtain a temperature-dependent signal during color change.

Paint and varnish industry

Temperatures need to be measured reliably during the production and processing of paints and coatings, e.g., the aluminum-based reaStripe professional temperature measuring strips are suitable for use in hot-air ovens.

Paper industry and paper processing

Our temperature indicators measure the thermal stress of material when passing through processing machines.


Reatec indicators are used to maintain sterilization temperature control in ampoules, including particularly slim customized designs.

Pressed wood processing

Our temperature measuring strips measure the mold temperature (temperature distribution).


Our temperature indicators check the uniform temperature distribution in heated presses to prevent structural changes and determine the thermal material stress during pressing and drawing processes.

Pump testing

Our temperature indicators are used to examine the temperature curve on rotating or moving parts.

Control technology

Temperature control loops are optimized with our temperature indicators by measuring the heated materials or objects.

Sauna construction

Our indicator points ensure the temperature distribution and check the surface temperature.


Our Reatec temperature indicators are used in places where elevated temperatures are hazardous.


Our temperature indicators monitor the temperature of goods and walls.


Our temperature indicators monitor temperature-sensitive workpieces and materials.

Deep drilling technology

Measuring the temperature on moving tools is done with our temperature indicators.

Transformer manufacturing

Indicators are inserted in the winding of prototypes to record the temperature.

Monitoring devices

The temperature indicator is a monitoring device.


Our temperature indicators are used to measure the temperature of hot gas valves.

Packaging technology

Our temperature indicators check and signal the impermissible warming of packaged goods, e.g., in shrink film ovens.

Washing machines and dishwashers

Our measuring points are placed in the machine to measure the temperature of the washed items.

Heat exchangers

Our temperature indicators make the temperature distribution visible.

Cement manufacturing

When passing through the continuous dryer, Reatec temperature indicators measure the  

object temperature.

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